Set up Parallelization for Consolidation Tasks

Step type: Simple user interface.

Step description: This step defines the parallelization of the business object consolidation tasks. It splits the tasks into DTS partitions via a WHERE clause using the last character. The step creates 10 partitions for values ending with the numeric characters 0–9 and one partition for alphanumeric characters, so 11 partitions in total. As a result, the parallelization of a business object with alphanumeric characters results in 10 empty partitions, with all the data stored in the 11th partition.

The following parameters are available:

  • Business object: Specifies the name of the DTS business object that you want to parallelize.

  • Update generated tasks: Updates already generated tasks for all objects.

  • Create partitioning: Creates the partitioning.

    NOTE Only tasks with the status New can be updated.
  • Delete partitioning: Deletes the partitioning.

  • Display: Shows the WHERE conditions of the created partitions.